I love random personal factoids! A little glimpse into the lives of our fave Substack writers ☺️

I’ve never seen a full episode of The Simpsons either. I’ve never seen Star Wars. And only just this year have I seen any of the original Star Trek as well as the first Matrix movie.

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So glad you enjoyed this installment of random factoids 😊 I was way late on the Star Wars wagon too (almost added that one as one of my facts). I watched them for the first time what feels like 5 years ago but was in reality, probably about 10 years ago. Totally got hooked though and I've watched every movie/Disney+ series (except the prequels). What do you think of the original Star Trek so far? I've never watched any of those either.

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Meh? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Each episode is too slow and long for my tastes. I guess it was probably thrilling television in the 60s-70s, but today, not so much 😄

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Duly noted and thanks for the review. Sounds like I can keep that one off my "to watch" list 😂

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Thanks for re-introducing yourself with the factoids. I lurve those things. So..

#1 Mr. Ex LURVED that show. I can't believe it's been on for a kajillion years. LOL Because of him, I've seen it, but not all of them.

#2 What's the name of the band? Are they still around?

#3 Can you provide the names of all 11 countries? And why were 6 all in one day holy cow! O_O That sounds exhausting just reading it. Out of all those, what was your favorite?

#5 - I feel you on this. Which is why I can't do audiobooks, either.

#10 - I LURVE THIS SONG, TOO!!! Every time it comes up in my iPod queue I blast it. Such a cool song. #Wooohoooo

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When I watched "The Simpsons" (when it first came out), I enjoyed it. From what I understand, the writing has always remained sharp and they've predicted some of the future we've been living through. xo


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I feel like I would like it. My friends that appreciate the same type of humor that I do (of which you're definitely one) all like it so I think that makes the chances high I would too. That's absolutely incredible how many future events they predicted too! Wowsa.

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In my opinion you’re not missing much with The Simpsons…but then again, I no longer live with a tv 😆 I wasn’t allowed to watch Grange Hill! My mum wouldn’t let me🙃

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I admire not living with a TV so much! My TV time after work is my unwinding time and I don't know what I would do without my trashy reality shows 😂 I hadn't heard of Grange Hill (I'm not sure it aired here in the States). I just looked it up though and sounds very much like a show I would enjoy! It actually sounds a bit like a Canadian show called Degrassi that was on for a long time. Grange Hill could have been the inspiration for it, who knows. It was supposed to depict the reality of school life and had what were considered "controversial" storylines too. I watched the whole series lol. Thanks for teaching me about a new show!

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Ha ha think it was a uk show, I’m sure they lived in the north east. Unless I’m getting confused with byker grove 😆which my boyf here tells me I am🙃

Don’t be fooled by me and the screen btw! I am a massive phone screen addict so I’ve def made up for it in other ways🤣

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😂 appreciate the honesty there, for sure

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