Glad it finally resolved! How they could mix up service dog vs. emotional support dog, I have no idea.

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They don't listen to their patients. If I'd been able to get an in person appointment it might have helped because I could have shown my doctor the form, but it was time sensitive and I couldn't get an in person appointment very soon. But if she'd just read the message and looked at the form, that would have helped too 🥴 Either way, was very thankful to not have to make anymore calls or send anymore messages. It's a good thing I'm not shy about my medical history too because I had to send all 600 pgs of my very personal medical information over to the service dog company 😂

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It's the same reason why literally means figuratively today, Chris. So many people with their BS support animals ("I'm getting mine registered so it can fly on the plane with me for free!") calling them service dogs. Like a service dog vest on a Pomeranian. That's why. And, yes, I take umbrage! I'm old enough to remember the fight to get seeing-eye dogs to be allowed into grocery stores. And now I have to deal with all manner of untrained ego extensions with their noses in produce at Whole Foods. BTW, I have feelings on this topic, if that's not clear. LOL. xo

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There are a lot of people who scam the system, which makes things harder for legitimate users.

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Word. As someone who is allergic to animals, I’m always thrilled to see a service dog, and irritated AF to see ill-mannered Fido flitting about, especially when they rub up on my clothes. It’s like the person who brought their emotional support pig on the plane who shat everywhere (I mean, seriously) and ruined it for people with actual service dogs who provide actual service. Everyone thinks rights are pie and if someone has a piece, that means you have less. IT’S NOT PIE, FFS! xo

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The emotional support peacock was my favorite. Animals are amazing and I have no doubt they all provide all of us emotional support in one way. Just not ok to abuse the system so you don’t have to leave your non-service animal at hone, thereby making it harder for those who actually need it. I’ve been paying the price for other people’s abuse, especially since I don’t “look” disabled for a long time. I clearly have opinions/feelings here too 😂

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LOL. Love it.

If part of the point of emotional support animals is to relieve anxiety, imagine how much anxiety the animals have being put in situations they are not meant to be in! And being untrained is part of the problem. With a dog, you have to be the alpha. That helps to relax them. They know who’s in charge and can rely on you to know what to do when they are uncomfortable. But I don’t see many ESA owners taking that role. So it’s unfair to the animal and surely raises the anxiety of the human. Vicious circle much? And, yes, I judge people (harshly) by how their dogs behave. It tells me all I need to know about them. 🧐 xo

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A surprising number of people don’t understand the difference between a service dog and an emotional support animal (did you know that they can be a non-dog species?) The Fair Housing Act spells out the perimeters of the law applicable to emotional support animals.

At this time of year, in my old job, we would process many requests for our office’s support for a student to get permission to have an emotional support animal in their dorm room on campus; dorm rooms are covered by the Fair Housing Act.

Such a request would have to include a statement that the student has a disability (they don’t have to say what it is, but part of a good argument often includes that information.) For example, in my own case, I would say, “my multiple disabilities (chiefly my epidermolytic ichthyosis, which is visible) cause chronic pain. My cat, Sparky, helps me cope with this pain, particularly at night when the pain keeps me awake.”

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I definitely can't pretend that a dog wouldn't help me emotionally too in a big way, that's for sure. I just wish my medical provider had listened to me and what I was asking for. But we're on to the next step now so it eventually worked itself out.

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OMG! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! One step closer, Jackie. You're almost there!!! xo

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Thank you! Based on what I've learned about what the dogs need and the training program, I'm not sure it's going to be the right fit for me but that's what the interview is for so we shall see.

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Maybe it will be like a pair of Dr. Martens. A perfect fit that still needs to be broken in. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, sis. xo

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So sorry you had to go through all that, but really glad that the canine group could help and had a workaround!

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Thank you Kelly!

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What an absolute goose chase! I swear, it feels like such strategic incompetence--meant precisely to get you to stop asking for the very thing you need. So frustrating. SMDH.

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