Hang in there, darling! If this was the way you had to learn about your bones, then that's the win, irritating and disappointing as that may be. You'll get the PT you need and will be the stronger for it (in all the ways). xo

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I’m definitely glad I know. I found out today it’s full blown osteoporosis too 🥴 I’m just very much in a “I’m tired of this sh*t” place today. Not sure how many more times I have it in me to pick myself up and dust myself off (literally and figuratively apparently).

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Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Jackie! Are there good treatments for that? I've heard of shots and pills. I hope you get what you need...especially the PT. 💗 xo

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A healthy bone specialist is supposed to contact me about a treatment plan. Other than the usual exercise I can take calcium supplements and from what I read there’s meds I can take so we’ll see. I always joked I felt like I was 80…I guess I didn’t realize how literal that actually was 😂 I had a good cry and did some meditating and I feel a little less like a ball of hopeless mush now.

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I really am sorry, Jackie. That’s a stressful diagnosis. I understand that there can be some good results with the treatments. I hope you get good stuff out of this. Good cries help. I love that you meditate (still not there). Just remember that you’re resilient. That doesn’t mean being resilient doesn’t get tiresome. And my fingers are still crossed on that pup. xo

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That sounds like such a frustrating loop, Jackie. I have had a few bad falls over the last few years and it’s terrifying every time.

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They really are! I’m sorry you’ve had some bad falls too. Very much the last thing you need when you’re already dealing with other chronic health issues.

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I feel this so strongly. Exercise is good for us and such a huge part of staying healthy and building strength, but when we have chronic pain, exercise is also painful and causes more inflammation and stiffness. Often for days or a full week after PT or exercise, I’m exhausted, depleted, inflamed. It becomes hard to want to do it again. Because saving spoons is such a real thing too.

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Thank you so much for this incredibly validating comment. It's so hard, striking the balance between exercise and saving spoons as you so perfectly put it. Appreciate you reading and commenting so much.

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I just learned a new thing as a midlife woman that I never thought possible...you can lose bone density in YOUR FACE. I always thought of hips, knees, ankles, but apparently because I've fallen so many times over the last 15 years during seizures, I've now lost so much bone in my upper chin, I'm going to lose my two front teeth and require implants... $30K. It's bananas. I'm like exercise to prevent bone loss??? How on earth do you do lift weights with your face? 😂 Hope you are on the mend and feeling better!

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